• February 6th, 2025
  • Thursday, 08:36:27 PM

Summer Lunch Program is Back to Help Albuquerque’s Youth

The City of Albuquerque provides breakfast and lunch to youth across the metro while school is out, along with Story Time in the Park. (Photo: Adobe Stock)


Posted June 13, 2024


The 2024 Summer Lunch Program is back to help Albuquerque’s youth receive nutritious meals during the summer months. Many students rely on meals provided by their schools during the year, and the City of Albuquerque helps make sure they don’t miss out while they are out of school. Meals will be provided for all children ages 1-18 at over 75 locations throughout the city during the weekdays. The program started back in 1969 at a local community center, and the City has continued to carry out this important effort since then to make sure kids do not go hungry during the summer.


“Having access to nutritious meals during the summer is so important to the success and well-being of our youth,” said Mayor Tim Keller. “With so many locations across Albuquerque, we’re aiming to make sure all families have what they need to stay healthy and engaged this summer.”


Food distribution at local non-profits begins Monday, June 3. Park locations began on June 5, and distribution at Albuquerque community centers will begin on Monday, June 17. Meals will be served at each site for one hour on a first-come, first-served basis. Start times vary by location, please reference the attached list or visit cabq.gov/summermeals for more information.


Along with summer lunches, the city collaborates with Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) to provide Story Time in the Park at numerous lunch sites. This is an APS Title I Family Engagement initiative that provides certified teachers the resources to read aloud to children and their families and allow children to leave each session with a copy of the book that was read and shared with an activity sheet/lesson plan of strategies and supports for reading at home.


“As a former teacher, I am so happy to collaborate with APS and have our meal-sites provide a space for teachers and students to continue sharing learning opportunities throughout the summer,” said Youth & Family Director Katarina Sandoval. “Reading is so important, and I hope our youth enjoy listening to the stories and being able to take home a new book.”


For a full list of rules, sites, start dates and locations for Story Time in the Park visit our website at cabq.gov/summermeals.



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