May 25, 2023

Boarding School Survivor Anita Yellowhair Shares Her Story, Over 60 Years Later

By Sierra Álvarez

“Where are my people?” The mountains cry out. “I’ve seen them play and live in my hands, And I’ve felt them run the trail of my back.

Before the sleepy winter came, I heard their laughter

Ring out and fill the valleys with joy.

Now there’s only the sound of silence where

Once a baby had talked in meaningless sentences.

Mr. Sun, you’ve traveled, do you know where my people are?”

A drop of golden sunshine was the answer.

“Have you seen my people?” the mountains ask the sky.

But the rains came, and that was the sky’s reply.

Henry Tinhorn, former student at Intermountain Indian School (1970)

With the End of Title 42, Lessons from the Southern Border

By Maribel Hastings and David Torres

Nearly a year ago we wrote, in this very same space, that with or without Title 42, immigrants would continue to risk everything to accomplish their mission of reaching the United States. And while the end of the implementation of this public health measure on May 11 did not produce the chaos that some feared and others wished for, in order to take political advantage of the issue, migrants continue to try to come.

Why the Hollywood Writers Strike Matters

By Farrah Hassen

Every television series or film begins and ends with writers. They pen the iconic lines that actors deliver, like “Just one more thing,” “There’s no crying in baseball!,” and “Rosebud.” Good stories, like good lines, can last for generations. But for the writers who create them, just making it to the next paycheck has become a struggle.

‘Dreamers’ Like Us Need Our Own Resource Centers on College Campuses

By María Molina and Vianey Valdez

Among the multiple groups of struggling students in America, the undocumented live in the shadows, awaiting recognition and assistance.
They are not easy to spot, and often face far more challenges than many other groups, left to navigate a difficult path to higher education without adequate assistance. Nationwide, just 2 percent of undocumented students are enrolled in postsecondary education.

Denver Mayoral Candidates Kelly Brough and Mike Johnston on Education, Safety in Schools

Neither of Denver’s candidates for mayor favors mayoral control of the school board, which has been beset by infighting and power struggles among board members. That was one of the takeaways from a recent mayoral forum focused on education and hosted by EDUCATE Denver, Chalkbeat Colorado, and CBS Colorado.

Heinrich Touts Universal School Meals and Outdoor Learning at School Visits

By Nicole Maxwell

On Friday, Rio Rancho Elementary faculty and students celebrated the school’s recent listing as one of ESPN’s Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools for 2022. It was the only elementary school on the list. Rio Rancho Elementary was recognized for its inclusivity measures pertaining to school sports that includes all learners including those with intellectual disabilities.

Representatives Escobar, Salazar Introduce Historic, Bipartisan Immigration Reform

Photo: U.S. Representative Veronica Escobar (TX-16).

Representatives Veronica Escobar (TX-16) and María Elvira Salazar (FL-27) on Tuesday, announced the Dignity Act of 2023, a historic, bipartisan immigration reform bill. This legislation has been over six months in the making; it addresses border security and infrastructure, creates legal status for undocumented immigrants already living in the United States with the possibility of earning citizenship, establishes new pathways for asylum seekers, and creates new legal pathways for economic migrants and unaccompanied minors.