• January 17th, 2025
  • Friday, 05:31:59 AM

Dear Cory Gardner, Silence is Unacceptable

Colorado People’s Alliance (COPA) members are greatly concerned by the lack of communication from Cory Gardner’s office regarding the executive orders that target his immigrant constituents. We were glad to see the Senator recognize that the refugee and Muslim ban went too far, but we have yet to see a similar statement regarding the other executive orders. Despite the attacks against our immigrant community, Cory Gardner has been silent. As our elected official, silence is unacceptable.

Cory Gardner’s immigrant constituents are holding him accountable to stand up, to denounce the executive orders and to support policies that protect immigrants, like the BRIDGE Act. In the face of destructive orders that attack our community, silence is unacceptable.

[pullquote]We will not stand by and allow Cory Gardner’s complicit silence.[/pullquote]

I urge Senator Gardner to take a hard and thoughtful look at the people he represents,” stated Adrian Nava, a COPA member with undocumented relatives, fights for the protection of all immigrants. “My community votes, we organize, and we are involved in our legislative and political processes. Silence from my Senator is not what my family and I need – we need Senator Gardner to take action against the blatant racism and discrimination that has taken place over the last week, and to support bipartisan legislation that will move Colorado forward.” 

COPA’s members stand up to divisive orders and organize to protect our immigrant community. We will fight for justice and for a Colorado where our elected officials fight for their citizens. We will not stand by and allow Cory Gardner’s complicit silence.

Lizeth Chacon is the Executive Director of Colorado People’s Alliance.

Lizeth Chacón
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