• September 17th, 2024
  • Tuesday, 09:52:11 AM

DDPHE to Provide Funding for Newcomer Food Access


The Denver Department of Public Health and Environment (DDPHE) is addressing the growing need for food assistance in our community by making $600,000 in funding available to local organizations serving newcomers. DDPHE is now accepting proposals for grants through the Healthy Food for Denver’s Kids (HFDK) Initiative.


The primary focus of this funding opportunity is to provide healthy and culturally responsive food to newcomer youth residing in the City and County of Denver, including those who are unhoused or experiencing unstable housing situations. HFDK is spearheading this effort by offering one-time grants ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 per organization.


“Over the last year and a half, our community non-profits have gone above and beyond to support newcomers and help them thrive in Denver,” said Mayor Mike Johnston. “As we continue to help people get back on their feet, I’m thrilled to see these grants put money directly in the hands of the local organizations who increase access to nutritious foods for the families and kids who now call Denver home.”


HFDK anticipates funding approximately 12 proposals for this funding opportunity with a total funding pool of up to $600,000. Organizations, including non-profits and schools, are encouraged to apply. Collaborative projects are also highly encouraged. DDPHE encourages organizations of varying sizes and scales to apply for the opportunity to support Denver’s newcomers.


HFDK is a voter-led sales-tax funded initiative to fund healthy food and food-based education for Denver’s youth. Administered through DDPHE and overseen by a public Commission, HFDK is dedicated to ensuring that all Denver children have access to healthy food, regardless of their socioeconomic status or background. Through various initiatives, HFDK has worked to address food insecurity and promote healthy eating among Denver’s youth since its inception in 2018, distributing approximately $66.5 million dollars in funds to date.


Applications for the grants are now open. Interested organizations can find more information and apply online. There will be a virtual information session on May 2 from 11 am – 12 pm. Interested organizations can register using this link. The deadline for submissions is May 20, 2024, at 11:59 pm