• February 17th, 2025
  • Monday, 04:38:40 PM

Thank you President Joe Biden for Putting Country First

President Joe Biden walks with Vice President Kamala Harris along the West Colonnade of the White House, Friday, May 26, 2023, to the Oval Office. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz via flickr Public Domain)



President Joe Biden has received numerous accolades from across the country for his service as President and an elected official. Vice President Kamala Harris has garnered praise and endorsements as she begins her campaign for President. The following are remarks from various organizations and elected officials around the nation.



Teresa Romero, President, United Farm Workers


President Joseph R. Biden has been the greatest friend the United Farm Workers has had in the Oval Office. The Biden-Harris administration has worked tirelessly on behalf of farm workers, from championing state legislation to strengthen farm workers’ right to join a union, to ensuring undocumented essential workers were eligible for COVID vaccines and relief payments, to working to raise wages and increase legal protections in the exploitative H2A agricultural guest worker system, to proposing the nation’s first ever federal standards to protect farm workers from dying during extreme temperatures. President Biden deserves the gratitude and respect of all Americans for his lifelong service to our country and his fierce dedication to working people across America.


Now, the United Farm Workers endorses Vice President Kamala Harris as the best leader to defeat Donald Trump and to continue the transformative work of the Biden-Harris administration.

Since the very beginning of her career in California — the nation’s largest agricultural producer — Kamala Harris has proven herself a loyal friend of all working people. Dime con quien andas, y te digo quien eres. (Tell me who you are with, and I’ll tell you who you are.) Vice President Harris has stood with farm workers as California Attorney General, as a United States Senator, and as Vice President. The United Farm Workers could not be prouder to endorse her for President of the United States. Together, we continue the work of building an America that works for all of its working people. ¡Sí Se Puede!



Teresa Romero, presidenta, Unión de Campesinos


El presidente Joseph R. Biden ha sido el mejor amigo que ha tenido la Union de Campesinos en la Oficina Oval de la Casa Blanca. La administración Biden-Harris ha trabajado sin descansar en nombre de los campesinos, desde defender legislación estatal para fortalecer el derecho de los campesinos para ser parte de una unión, hasta garantizar que los trabajadores esenciales indocumentados fueran elegibles para las vacunas COVID y pagos de ayuda, hasta trabajar para aumentar los salarios y protecciones legales en el sistema explotador de trabajadores agrícolas conocido como el programa H2A, hasta proponer las primeras estándares federales del país para proteger a los campesinos de morir durante temperaturas extremas. El presidente Biden merece la gratitud y el respeto de todos los estadounidenses por su servicio de toda la vida a nuestro país y su feroz dedicación a los trabajadores de todos Estados Unidos.


Ahora, la Unión de Campesinos respalda a la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris como la mejor líder para derrotar a Donald Trump y continuar el trabajo transformador de la administración Biden-Harris.


Desde el comienzo de su carrera en California – el productor agrícola más grande del país – Kamala Harris ha demostrado que es una amiga leal de todos los trabajadores. Dime con quién andas, y te digo quien eres. La vicepresidenta Harris ha apoyado a los campesinos como fiscal general de California, senadora de los Estados Unidos y como vicepresidenta. La Unión de Campesinos no podría estar más orgullosos de apoyarla  para la presidencia de los Estados Unidos. Juntos, continuamos el trabajo de construir un Estados Unidos que funcione para todos sus trabajadores. ¡Sí Se Puede!”


Vanessa Cárdenas, Executive Director, America’s Voice

We thank President Biden for his service. Throughout his career, he has shown his belief that America is strongest and at its best when our politics and policy are informed by our values, the recognition of our shared humanity, and when we reject divisiveness in favor of what we have in common. He believes in America, the strength of this country and our ability to solve any problem.


The stakes this November remain the same and the contrast between the two parties goes beyond just immigration policy, and straight to fundamentally different visions for America and our future.


Vice President Harris embodies a vision of an optimistic and inclusive América where the daughter of immigrants and a woman of color can rise via her smarts and savvy to historic heights in a multiracial democracy. She embodies the American Dream that generations of immigrants yesterday and today aspire to. She has lived and breathed the immigrant experience in her family, in her state and in her nation. As U.S. Senator, she was a powerful champion of Dreamers and was the first Member of Congress to call for the investigation of the horrific family separation policies that appalled the nation in 2018.


In the face of a contrasting, dark and dystopian vision of America – where camps and barbed wire would replace the Statue of Liberty – we are confident Vice President Harris will continue to fight for a nation that recognizes immigrants and immigration as strengths and assets and part of our shared national identity and power.



Vanessa Cárdenas, directora ejecutiva de America’s Voice


Le damos las gracias al presidente Biden por su servicio. A lo largo de su carrera ha evidenciado su convicción de que Estados Unidos es más fuerte y mejor cuando nuestra política y nuestras políticas públicas se basan en nuestros valores, en el reconocimiento de nuestra humanidad compartida, y cuando rechazamos la división en favor de lo que nos une. Biden confía en Estados Unidos, en la fortaleza de esta nación, y en nuestra capacidad de resolver cualquier problema.


Lo que está en juego en noviembre sigue siendo lo mismo y el contraste entre los dos partidos va más allá de la mera política migratoria, y apunta directamente a visiones fundamentalmente diferentes para Estados Unidos y para nuestro futuro.


La vicepresidenta Harris encarna la visión de un Estados Unidos optimista e incluyente donde la hija de inmigrantes y una mujer de color puede alcanzar, gracias a su inteligencia y conocimientos, logros históricos en una democracia multirracial. Harris personifica el Sueño Americano al que aspiran las generaciones de inmigrantes de ayer y de hoy. Ha vivido y respirado la experiencia inmigrante en su familia, en su estado y en su nación. Como senadora federal por California fue una poderosa defensora de los Dreamers y fue la primera legisladora en el Congreso en pedir que se investigaran las horribles políticas de separación familiar que horrorizaron a la nación en 2018.


Frente a una visión diferente, oscura y distópica de Estados Unidos -donde los campamentos de detención y el alambre de púas reemplazarían a la Estatua de la Libertad- confiamos en que la vicepresidenta Harris seguirá luchando por una nación que reconozca a los inmigrantes y la inmigración como fortalezas y ventajas, y como parte de nuestra identidad y poder nacional compartidos.


Jaime Harrison, Chair, Democratic National Committee

The American people owe President Biden an enormous debt of gratitude for the unparalleled progress he has delivered over the last four years – and we will honor that legacy, and the decision that he has made today, through a firm commitment to nominating and electing a Democratic president this November who will carry that torch into the next four years.


The work that we must do now, while unprecedented, is clear. In the coming days, the Party will undertake a transparent and orderly process to move forward as a united Democratic Party with a candidate who can defeat Donald Trump in November. This process will be governed by established rules and procedures of the Party. Our delegates are prepared to take seriously their responsibility in swiftly delivering a candidate to the American people.


Democrats are prepared and united in our resolve to win in November. As we move forward to formally select our Party’s nominee, our values as Democrats remain the same – lowering costs, restoring freedom, protecting the rights of all people, and saving our democracy from the threat of dictatorship. We have and will continue to make this case to the American people.


In short order, the American people will hear from the Democratic Party on next steps and the path forward for the nomination process.



Jaime Harrison, presidente del Comité Nacional Demócrata

El pueblo estadounidense tiene una enorme deuda de gratitud con el presidente Biden por el progreso incomparable que ha logrado en los últimos cuatro años, y honraremos ese legado y la decisión que ha tomado hoy mediante un firme compromiso de nominar y elegir a un presidente demócrata este noviembre que llevará esa bandera durante los próximos cuatro años.
El trabajo que debemos realizar ahora, si bien no tiene precedentes, es claro. En los próximos días, el Partido emprenderá un proceso transparente y ordenado para avanzar como un Partido Demócrata unido con un candidato que pueda derrotar a Donald Trump en noviembre. Este proceso se regirá por las normas y procedimientos establecidos por el Partido. Nuestros delegados están dispuestos a tomar en serio su responsabilidad de presentar rápidamente un candidato al pueblo estadounidense.

Los demócratas estamos unidos y preparados en nuestra determinación de ganar en noviembre. A medida que avanzamos para seleccionar formalmente al candidato de nuestro Partido, nuestros valores como demócratas siguen siendo los mismos: reducir costos, restaurar las libertades, proteger los derechos de todas las personas y salvar nuestra democracia de la amenaza de una dictadura. Hemos defendido y seguiremos defendiendo este argumento ante el pueblo estadounidense.

Dentro de poco tiempo, el pueblo estadounidense escuchará al Partido Demócrata sobre los próximos pasos y el camino a seguir para el proceso de nominación.



U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, Colorado


America is a better, stronger country because of President Biden’s decades of public service and dedication to the American Dream.


Four years ago, President Biden was the only person in the country who could beat Donald Trump. He overcame Trump’s chaos and contempt for our nation’s long-held commitment to pluralism, civil rights, and the rule of law. He rejected Ronald Reagan’s failed trickle-down economics, and championed working American families.


President Biden deserves all honor for his record in office. In one of his first acts, he expanded the Child Tax Credit – the largest investment in children and working families in generations. He passed the most significant infrastructure bill since President Eisenhower to rebuild our roads, bridges, and airports, and brought home America’s semiconductor industry – creating thousands of high-paying jobs. He took on Big Pharma to curb drug prices and won, and passed the most significant climate bill in world history. President Biden not only restored our fractured alliances but made them stronger. He reinvigorated democracy around the world, and made America safer in the process.


President Biden embodies the decency, integrity, and leadership to which all of us in public service should aspire.


Today, we owe President Biden a debt of gratitude that we may never be able to repay. We may not know what comes next, but by passing the torch to a new standard bearer, President Biden has again given us the chance to beat Donald Trump and give our children the future they deserve. Thank you, President Biden.



Jason Crow, Colorado Congressman


Joe Biden is one of the most effective and consequential presidents in American history. He has always put our country first. In 2020, President Biden saved us from a second Trump term and by stepping aside he may have done so again.


As a soldier and now as a Congressman, I have felt an unshakeable duty to protect our democracy, people, and ideals. This moment is no different. Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and would make our country unrecognizable. We must unite and defeat him in November.


I am confident Americans will rise up and meet this moment.

Onward to victory.



Brittany Pettersen, Colorado Congresswoman

Joe Biden embodies what it means to be a true patriot who puts the interest of the country and the American people over himself. He has dedicated 50 years fighting to make the lives of regular people better and has led our country through one of the most tumultuous times to the strongest recovery in the world. Joe Biden is a big reason I am here today as a member of Congress and he continues to make me proud with the issues he has championed and the selflessness he has shown. Thank you Joe Biden for all you have done for our country. We are forever grateful.


Colorado Governor Jared Polis


President Biden is a true partner to Colorado, and a proud patriot. Throughout his decades of service to this country, and especially during his service as Vice President to President Obama and over the last four years as President, he has helped lead the United States through many great successes. President Biden is now, and has always been, there for Coloradans during times of grief and moments of triumph. He has helped Colorado deliver more low-cost clean energy, address climate change, improve our roads and bridges with historic federal funding, and supported Colorado as we fought to preserve our public lands. This could not have been an easy decision but it is the right one, and Joe Biden promised Americans he would always do what’s right for our country and once again he has delivered. I know President Biden and Jill are making this choice with the future of Americans in their hearts. The United States cannot afford another potential four years of a disastrous Trump presidency that would trample on rights and freedoms, derail our economy, increase costs and harm our international standing. Coloradans and I are deeply grateful to President Biden for his incredible leadership and his unrelenting commitment to the country we all love.


Shad Murib, Chair, Colorado Democratic Party


President Biden’s decision to step out of this race is a stunning act of courage and patriotism that is all too lacking in American politics these days. President Biden’s decades of service have made this country better off, and he has been a friend of Colorado, creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs, designating Camp Hale as national monument, keeping Space Command in Colorado Springs, and cutting the cost of living for working people. From his time as Senator to being the most effective President in modern history, our country has seen tremendous growth and success as a result of his leadership. On behalf of the entire Colorado Democratic Party, we express our enormous gratitude to President Biden.


One Colorado


One Colorado thanks President Joe Biden for his decades of dedicated service and commitment to democracy, which continue to inspire hope and resilience in our nation. President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have led an administration that has been committed to the LGBTQ+ community. The Biden administration’s efforts, from backing the freedom to marry, to strengthening non-discrimination protections in healthcare for reproductive rights, sexual orientation, and gender identity, to ensuring protections for the transgender community, demonstrated their dedication to making our country a place where everyone can thrive, regardless of background or status.


In 2024, the stakes are high for our LGBTQ+ community. Our rights, in Colorado and across the nation, are on the ballot. It’s crucial that Coloradans vote to protect these rights. This year, One Colorado has taken significant steps, including supporting the coalition to run a ballot initiative to repeal the ban on marriage for same sex couples and combatting 30 anti-trans initiatives, successfully defeating 28 of them. We will continue to defend equal rights for LGBTQ+ Coloradans and we need your commitment in all arenas to continue our work.


We urge everyone to stay vigilant, engage your community, and actively come together to ensure that protections in all areas of our lives, from federal, state, and local leadership, to the policies we vote on are secured. Our community’s commitment to social justice and equity must be demonstrated at the ballot in November. Let’s use our voices and votes to advocate for the changes we need, ensuring a future where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Together, we will make a difference.



New México U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján


President Biden has devoted his life to serving the American people and putting working families first. I know President Biden, and I respect him, his character, and his strong leadership. There is no one like him.


President Biden accomplished what his predecessor could not — landmark investments in infrastructure and growing the economy, lowering prescription drug costs, and addressing the climate crisis. His legacy will be among the strongest of any American president. I know his decision to step aside was not taken lightly.


I thank President Biden for his decades of service to the American people and I will fight to ensure that we keep the White House in November.




Lorella Praeli and Dorian Warren, Co-Presidents, Community Change Action

President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race is a remarkably courageous decision. Such self-sacrifice for the future of America will stand out singularly in the history of American public service.


When America needed Joe Biden to step up, he did so and defeated Trump; and when we needed him to step aside to give America its chance to defeat racist and dangerous MAGA extremism again, he has done that. President Biden’s legacy will be defined by his bold and progressive agenda. When President Biden and Vice President Harris took office, our country faced unprecedented crises–a global pandemic, economic and climate crisis, and racial injustice. This administration has reset the terms of our economy to help ordinary Americans get a chance to thrive, fast-tracked technologies that can prevent climatic disaster, made historic investments in infrastructure that will power us into the future, and put down payments on creating a care economy that works for all of us, not just the ultra-wealthy.


When voters voiced their concerns about his ability to win this election, Joe Biden listened because that’s what he’s done his entire time in office. He listened when we urged action on the care economy by announcing changes to long-term care staffing, lowering the cost of childcare for parents, and fighting for an expanded child tax credit. He listened when we urged him to take action to relieve student loan repayments by restructuring income-driven repayment options and forgiving billions in student loan debt, giving low-income, Black, and Latino borrowers some breathing room. Joe Biden listened to voters and signed executive orders to promote racial equity, close the gender pay gap, and to create a legal pathway for undocumented spouses of US citizens; he fought to protect reproductive rights, make prescription drugs more affordable, and expand access to healthcare. And, he managed to do it with Republican resistance and MAGA courts working feverishly to undo the progress we’ve made.


Change and growth are part of our democracy, and when it’s built through the voices of people, it signals democracy is working. This election is about the future of America: one where our leaders protect our freedoms or where MAGA Republicans control us. Our movement is bigger than any one candidate or one election, and our power flows from our people and our values–that’s what is at the core of our work.


The Black, Latino, low-income, immigrant, and women voters Community Change Action talks to every day want leadership that will champion policies to put food on the table without going into debt, access the healthcare we need without fear, have a sustainable and affordable childcare system, and keep our loved ones safe. At the end of the day, the people’s voices matter most, and together, we can win the future we all deserve.