• February 18th, 2025
  • Tuesday, 10:59:21 PM

Statewide Safe Surrender Event in Santa Fe


People with outstanding bench warrants from any magistrate or district court in New Mexico can get a fresh start and safely surrender at the Santa Fe County District Courthouse, 225 Montezuma Avenue, on Friday, April 26th from 1-7 p.m. and Saturday, April 27th from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.


“Nearly 1,400 warrants were cancelled during the three statewide safe surrender events we had last year,” said Administrative Office of the Courts Director Artie Pepin.  “The opportunity to work on a solution is really what safe surrender events are all about.”


The safe surrender event provides anyone with outstanding warrants an opportunity to avoid jail and other consequences by appearing before a judge. At the time of surrender, anyone who appears voluntarily will receive favorable consideration when requesting a new court date, payment plan, or any other option required to comply with the court order.


During a safe surrender event in Taos last fall, warrants were resolved in 707 cases.


A bench warrant is issued by a judge when a defendant violates requirements imposed by a court, such as appearing at hearings scheduled in a case.  If you are unsure whether you have an outstanding bench warrant, call the toll-free customer services hotline at 855-268-7804 or check online case lookup at nmcourts.gov.


The First Judicial District serves people in Santa Fe, Los Alamos, and Rio Arriba counties. This event is in cooperation with the First Judicial District Attorney’s Office and the Law Offices of the Public Defender.