• July 27th, 2024
  • Saturday, 05:26:20 AM

No Need to Withdraw CO Voter Registration

The commission investigating the President’s claims of widespread voter fraud is on hold, due to a legal petition by a privacy watchdog group, and Colorado officials are encouraging residents not to drop off of voter rolls.
Deputy Secretary of State Suzanne Staiert says Coloradans’ private information is safe even if the restraining order eventually is lifted by a federal district court.

“We don’t believe that there is a need for people to withdraw,” Staiert states. “For anybody who has withdrawn, we are a same-day voter registration state and anybody can register and vote on the same day.”
Last week, Colorado’s secretary of state got an email from the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, asking the office to hold off on submitting data until judge rules on a lawsuit by the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

The watchdog group says the commission’s demand for detailed voter histories violates Americans’ constitutional right to privacy.
The group also points out the commission directed election officials to send voter records to an unsecure web site and intended to publish partial Social Security numbers that could enable identity theft and financial fraud.
Staiert says Colorado law would prevent her office from fully complying with the directive.

“Under Colorado law we cannot provide the last four digits of a Social Security number,” she explains. “We cannot provide the full date of birth.
“The fact that somebody voted is public information, but who they voted for is certainly private and not available to anybody.”

So far, no evidence has surfaced to substantiate Trump’s claims that he lost the national popular vote due to millions of fraudulently cast ballots.
Staiert says, while she can’t speak for other states, the few incidents her office is investigating would not come close to the numbers claimed by him.

Public News Service