• September 10th, 2024
  • Tuesday, 04:24:32 PM

New Vote-By-Mail Features on IWillVote.com

This week, Biden for President and the Democratic National Committee are announcing new features on IWillVote.com — the DNC’s voter participation website — that will help voters easily request and return their ballot by mail, as well as learn important information about the voting process in their state as they make their plan to vote.

Previously, an individual could use the site to check or update their registration and find voting locations. Now the new user experience will also guide a voter through their best voting-by-mail option based on their state and county regulations, including:

Requesting a ballot online. A voter will be directed to their state’s online vote-by-mail request form.

Requesting a ballot by email. A voter completes a vote-by-mail request form, including uploading a picture of their signature (where required), on IWillVote.com. The form is automatically emailed to the state.

Printing and mailing their request. A voter completes a vote-by-mail request form on IWillVote.com. The voter then prints, signs, and mails the request form to the state.

Requesting a prepaid return envelope: A voter completes a vote-by-mail request form on IWillVote.com and requests a prepaid return envelope for it. The voter will then receive their completed request form via mail to sign and return in a prepaid return envelope.

The site is also completely accessible in Spanish at VoyaVotar.com.

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can’t do it alone. We are building an unprecedented effort to ensure that voters can make a plan now to vote.”
Jen O’Malley Dillon, Biden for President Campaign Manager

Additionally, IWillVote.com has been updated with new state-specific voter education pages and resources — to help voters easily find their states’ deadlines to vote by mail, early, or in person, as well as other important information about their states’ voting process.

“Voters have more options than ever to cast their ballots this year. IWillVote.com is a one-stop shop for voters to get information on flexible ways they can vote, and directly submit ballot requests to their local County Board of Elections,” said Biden for President Campaign Manager Jen O’Malley Dillon. “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can’t do it alone. We are building an unprecedented effort to ensure that voters can make a plan now to vote.”

“However a voter chooses to cast their ballot, the updated  IWillVote.com site makes it easy for Americans to exercise their right to participate in our democracy and ensure their voice is heard in this critical election,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Pérez. “The stakes for our country have never been higher, and we’re making sure Americans have all the information they need in order to make their plan to vote and send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House.”

IWillVote.com is the Democrats’ voting participation hub which allows individuals to check and has been in place since the 2012 campaign cycle. It provides voters a one-stop-shop for information about participating in local, state and federal elections.


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