• January 17th, 2025
  • Friday, 03:24:14 AM

In Our Community, Hate Will Not Stand

Photo: Rabbi Emily Hyatt/Courtesy ADL Sunday night vigil at Temple Emanuel in Denver, CO.

Scott L. Levin


As we start the new week, I am heartbroken by last Saturday’s attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue and grieving for the families in Pittsburgh: the grandchildren left without grandparents, the sons, daughters, and parents who are missing their loved ones, and the entire Jewish community in Pittsburgh.
At the same time, I am tremendously heartened by the outpouring of support demonstrated by more than 3,000 people of all backgrounds and faiths who attended the community vigil Sunday night at Temple Emanuel in Denver. The Anti-Defamantion League (ADL), along with community partners JEWISHcolorado and Temple Emanuel, sponsored the gathering that featured speaker after speaker – from Mayor Hancock and Governor Hickenlooper to chiefs of police to multiple faith leaders – who told the overflow crowd: in our community, hate will not stand. Thank you to those who were able to attend this and other vigils held elsewhere in Colorado and New México of which we are aware, and to everyone who has expressed support and love to me and to the entire Mountain States ADL team.

“Opening to our own vulnerability and prioritizing deep relationships with those who are different than ourselves [needs to be] a daily act and a daily commitment.”

ADL has been taking action by working with law enforcement and others to bolster security, publicly exposing extremists and their tactics, mobilizing allies, expanding and distributing our education resources and developing policy solutions to counteract anti-Semitism and all forms of extremism. Locally, as we heard last night from Aurora Police Chief Metz and Denver Police Chief Pazen, additional patrols are being provided to Jewish institutions and other locations around the metro area.
ADL has also compiled a list of resources to help people of all ages stay informed and discuss this tragedy at adl.org.
We offer our love and support to the Tree of Life community, and urge everyone to remain vigilant and to support each other during the difficult days ahead.
As the Reverend Amanda Henderson, Executive Director of the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado, said in her remarks Sunday night, “Opening to our own vulnerability and prioritizing deep relationships with those who are different than ourselves [needs to be] a daily act and a daily commitment. This is the balm that will begin to bring healing in our lives and in our communities.”
Please do not hesitate to reach out to my team and me for additional information and support (303-830-7177 or www.adl.org).

Scott L. Levin serves as the ADL Mountain States Regional Director
Serving Colorado, New México and Wyoming.