• April 26th, 2024
  • Friday, 07:02:12 AM

Genuine and Realistic: Amanda Sandoval for Denver’s District 1

Photo: Courtesy Amanda Sandoval for Denver City Council District 1 Amanda Sandoval

PUBLISHER NOTE: This week, we decided to republish our endorsements for Denver candidates — Lisa Calderón for Denver Mayor, Candi CdeBaca for Denver City Council District 9, Debbie Ortega for Denver City Council at Large, and Amanda Sandoval for City Council District 1 – to remind voters that these valued candidates stand for integrity and will work for all of Denver’s residents.
Remember to vote by May 7th!


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Chris M. Frésquez


The City of Denver will be holding its municipal elections on May 7th, which is less than a month away. There are numerous candidates vying for Denver’s most coveted elected positions, and it can be an arduous task to vet candidates that are relatable to our communities; and have a passion for making Denver work for everyone.

Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Amanda Sandoval, a candidate for City Council in District 1, and discuss her agenda for our progressive City.

Amanda has been active in northwest Denver for several years, following the activism of her father. She has years of experience as an aide to former Denver City Councilwoman Judy Montero and Councilman Rafael Espinosa. Her efforts at the Denver Fire Department as both the Outreach Program Manager and Legislative Liaison, has enhanced her community efforts within the City.

Amanda offers a fresh slate of open and direct conversation and a sincere effort to raise the bar among elected officials. She is a firm believer in her role as a public servant and the commitment to District 1’s constituency.

During our extensive conversation, Amanda detailed the need for liaisons within all Denver municipal offices, connecting residents with their elected officials, as a way of welcoming people to participate in their local government.

Amanda’s past experiences as a Council Aide, has given her the mechanics of the city council position; but beyond the mechanics, is where I saw passion and creativity.

The Denver native is not about status. Her message is not about ‘it cannot be done,’ it is ‘this is what will be done.’ And Amanda is about bringing our residents and our communities back into the equation.

The Weekly Issue/El Semanario endorses Amanda Sandoval for her authentic approach in running for Denver City Council in District 1.


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