• February 6th, 2025
  • Thursday, 12:16:22 PM

Denver Adds Another $1 million to ‘Left Behind Workers Fund’

Denver City Council at their Oct. 5 meeting approved the Hancock Administration proposal to inject another $1 million into the relief fund to aid Denver residents who have lost their jobs, but do not qualify for federal and state assistance amid the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The federal response to COVID-19 has left countless workers behind, including many in our city’s restaurants, hotels, venues and other industries who did not qualify for other aid programs,” Mayor Michael B. Hancock said. “This additional funding will keep our local fund going to help those still struggling through this pandemic.”

“The Left Behind Worker fund has effectively served more than 2,200 workers from across Denver who lost income due to this crisis, helping them to support more than 3,000 children in their households,” said Councilwoman Robin Kniech. “Denver is again stepping into the gap to ensure additional unemployed workers get the help they need to pay for their housing, food, or other bills to help them get through this emergency.”

Photo/Foto: Lance Cheung/USDA/Public Domain Denver adds another $1 million to ‘Left Behind Workers Fund’ for residents who do not qualify for state, federal aid.

In July, an investment of $750,000 from Denver’s General Fund was allocated to the Left Behind Workers Fund hosted by Impact Charitable, a Denver-based nonprofit that manages charitable donations in impact investment portfolios on behalf of numerous donors. The commitment leveraged an additional $980,000 in philanthropic donations, $400,000 from Open Society Foundations and $580,000 from an anonymous donor.

Combined, the contributions provided $1.73 million in emergency relief to Denver families directly impacted by a loss of income due to the COVID-19 crisis. To date, a total of 1,900 cash assistance grants of $1,000 each have helped displaced workers address their most pressing emergency needs such as housing, food, bills, healthcare and transportation. The new fund investment is expected to provide 990 new grants.

“This additional funding will keep our local fund going to help those still struggling through this pandemic.”
Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock

Estimates based on statewide data indicate that more than 17,000 immigrants, some of whom are undocumented, have been left out of other relief efforts, even though they were working and paying taxes in Denver prior to the crisis, supporting families and contributing to our communities. These workers are overrepresented in service-based industries that have been hit hard by the crisis. They work at restaurants, in hospitality, in concessions and on janitorial staffs in buildings that have been closed.

To be eligible for the aid, an individual must demonstrate a loss of income related to the COVID-19 pandemic through layoffs, furloughs, a reduction of 20 or more hours per week, or an unpaid leave of absence from work due to school or daycare closures; the need to care for family members; or the need to remain quarantined after possible COVID-19 exposure. The household must also be ineligible to receive both unemployment benefits and CARES Act funding.

To apply for assistance: https://www.impactcharitable.org/fund-apply




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