• February 7th, 2025
  • Friday, 07:22:26 AM

DeGette Supports Resolution Condemning Child-Family Separation at the Border

Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-CO), Chief Deputy Whip, on June

7th supported a resolution condemning the Trump Administration’s “zero-tolerance policy,” which is separating children from their parents at the border.

“The administration’s new policy of separating families who seek asylum in the United States is sickening,” DeGette said. “It traumatizes people seeking humanitarian relief, ripping young children away from their parents. This needless cruelty in the mistaken name of protecting our borders must end.”

“The administration’s new policy of separating families who seek asylum in the United States is sickening…This needless cruelty in the mistaken name of protecting our borders must end.”
Congresswoman Diana DeGette

DeGette has strongly opposed the new policy since it first came to light in February. Among other steps, she joined 74 other Democrats in a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to protest the move and urged colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee to ensure that DHS funds for this purpose be limited so that only parents who pose an immediate threat to their children’s safety can be separated from them.

DeGette also supports the Help Separated Families Act (H.R. 5414), which aims to keep children of detained or deported parents united with their families.