Victory for LGBTQ in Workplace Discrimination
In a victory for LGBTQ Americans, a federal appeals court delivered a blow to the Trump administration’s Justice Department, ruling that the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits anti-gay discrimination in…

Privatization Efforts Causing More Instability
As nearly 250,000 Puerto Ricans remain without power five months after Hurricane Maria struck the island territory—the longest blackout in U.S. history—the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) said Sunday…

Judge Curiel to Preside Over Border Wall Case
The fate of President Trump’s signature agenda item, a wall along the southern U.S. border, may be in the hands of a judge who was at the center of a…

LGBTQ Groups Slam Trump Education Dept.
LGBTQ advocacy groups are saying that the Trump administration’s dismissal of discrimination cases filed by transgender students in recent months flies in the face of several court cases—not just Obama-era…

‘We Are Not Going to Give Up’
United We Dream and their allies mobilized protests this week regarding President Trump’s efforts to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act, which allows undocumented immigrants who were brought…

México Offers Aid for Harvey Victims
With a clear, diplomatic response, the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday quashed President Trump’s latest attempt to convince the public that México will pay for the border wall…

Lack of Spanish-Language Outreach Speaks Volumes
With the Spanish-language version of the White House website gone and a Twitter account that sits largely dormant, Latino and other Spanish-speaking Americans are criticizing the Trump administration for what…