Invest in Kids Now: It’s Morally and Fiscally Responsible
New México has a jobs problem. We have high crime. We’re ranked 49th in the country for child well-being, showing how much our kids suffer. Our home was just ranked…
Carruthers Should Stay At NMSU
In 2013, Garrey Carruthers was named President of New México State University (NMSU). He was not my first choice, and I expressed my opposition to his hiring publicly. Boy, was…
When Resisting Trump, Let’s All Do Better
For the last five months, I’ve woken up furious every morning as the news comes on describing Donald Trump’s failures. Taking basic health care away from millions. Insulting our nation’s…
The Consequences of the Governor’s Decision
A few weeks ago, Susana Martínez vetoed funding for every state college and university. All of it. Since then, neither she nor House Republican leaders have proposed a plan to…